Saturday, November 27, 2010

Catching up.

I admit it. I have a lot to blog about. Which is half the reason that I haven't blogged in a while. I have SO much to blog about and say that I just don't even like thinking about taking the time to do it. I like to think I don't have that kind of time but I really don't have anything else going on. Living at home is boring and I can't wait to move back to Rexburg and start school again.

Where do I start?? Oh yes. DC.


Courtney wrote a whole blog about it...go HERE if you wanna read details! But for all you lazy kids out there...I'll sum it up real fast.

Thursday-Drove to SLC, flew to Denver, flew to DC, got there, rode the Metro to Jake's, met some of Jake's friends and walked around the campus, and then went to bed. We were pretty freaking exhausted.

Friday-Hit up the monuments. Those are pretty sweet. Washington monument, FDR memorial, WWII memorial, White House, Korean War monument, Vietnam monument, and maybe there were others but I don't remember...they were all really cool though. And very pretty. Anyway that night we went bowling and watched Toy Story 3 with some of Jake's friends. Jake has a lot of friends I swear I met a billion people that week! But they are all so cool Jake is really lucky to be going to school with such awesome people! And I guess they're lucky he's going to school with them too :) I guess...haha.

yeah yeah yeah look at facebook if you want to see more pictures. Im lazy.

Saturday-Woke up earlier than I've woken up in a LONG time and got on a bus and drove to NYC. OMG I'm not even kidding New York is amazing. It is one of the coolest places I've ever been. Amazing. I want to go again so bad because we only got to go for a day and didn't even get to tons of stuff that I really really wanted to see! We went to the top of the Empire State Building (p.s. you have to pay 20 bucks just to get up off) but it was cool so I'm not complaining. And we also hit up Central Park which, by the way, is BEAUTIFUL in the fall. Beautiful I tell you. Then we went shopping on Canal Street which is where you bargain your life away and it is so much fun. And you get cheap stuff too. I could've spent all day there no joke. Then we went to Times Square and jaw dropped to the ground I swear and it never came back up it That's all I can say. WOW. I have to go back. I just have to! Then we continued to shop and then got back on the bus and went home. We were exhausted to say the least.

Sunday-Woke up too late to go to church with the one Mormon friend that Jake even knows in his entire school so we just basically slept and moped around all day. It felt so good especially because we had gotten like three hours of sleep the night before going to New York. So yeah. That was about it. We made dinner...actually no, I made dinner. Haha and it was good. And we went to the Lincoln Memorial. I'm getting into more detail than I want to.

Monday-Holocaust Museum. Oh man that one was a killer. I have always been pretty interested in the Holocaust so that one really hit me a lot. It was so amazing. And when I say amazing I mean terribly sad but just so educational. What a horrible thing that happened. I am so happy we got to go and learn more about it. Then that night we went to the Kate Nash concert and now I am obsessed with her. She is so good!

Tuesday-Natural History Museum. Way cool as well! Loved it loved it loved it! Went to Georgetown which is probably one of the cutest towns I have ever seen! I want to move there! Oh man I was just in heaven there I loved it! We went to DC cupcakes and I got a yummy (non-chocolate) cupcake...and then some hot chocolate. I'm having a hard time registering that hot chocolate is indeed I kinda gave up on that. But when I start my no chocolate thing again I am going to count it. Apple Cider here I come! Anyway then we went back to Jake's apartment and hung out with one of his friends that is so much fun while Jake went...somewhere I don't remember what he was doing. Homework or something I think. It was fun.

The waterfront in Georgetown. One of the reasons why I LOVED it there! So pretty!

Wednesday-Hit up Georgetown again...I told you I loved that place. Had another cupcake at DC cupcakes haha and went to dinner at this yummy place called Founding Farmers. It was so good! Then we went back to Jake's apartment and hung out with his friends and played games and had a dance party. Then Jake had to go and finish this paper so Courtney and I hung out...and fell asleep :)...while he was gone. Then when Jake returned at 3 AM I got up and the two of us went to the WWII memorial again. It's way cooler at night. That was awesome except I half-way regretted it when I had to wake up an hour later. GAG.

Thursday-Got up freakin early again, and went home. Boys and girls (probably just girls) I am telling you it is amazing that we made it home safely because I was so close to falling asleep at the wheel. I was SO TIRED and even loud music, Diet Coke, and sugar couldn't keep my eyes from drooping. But we made it safely without any bother. Then I came home, talked to my family for a little bit and then PASSED OUT at like 8! It has taken me a while to catch up with my sleep too. I feel like I've been tired ever since...but it is getting better.

Okay then the freaking blizzard happened! I was planning on going back to work and catching up on all the hours that I missed while I was in DC but nope! School got cancelled which messed up transportation for the kids which meant NO KIDS! Well, we got two. But they sent me home an hour and a half early and told me not to worry about coming the rest of the week. Wow my paycheck is sure going to suffer. But that's okay I've had a fun week hanging out with my family and lounging around. Lora got to come home for Thanksgiving and it has been a lot of fun hanging out with her. She's fun :) And she lets me use fake words like Zog in Scrabble even if it means she loses.

Thanksgiving was kind of weird because it consisted of my mom, my dad, Lora, my grandma, and me. Compared to the 21 people I have in my family that is a really small amount! But it was nice because we got more leftovers and had less clean-up :) And I LOOOOOOVE me some Thanksgiving dinner! That night I went to my brother-in-law's parents house for a little pie party thing they have every Thanksgiving. Yum! Then I went and hung out with Court, Jake, Brock, Amy, and Stephen! I am so excited that Jake and Hayley got to come home for Thanksgiving! It has been really fun hanging out with them. I got to shop ALL DAY LONG with Hayley on Friday and that was so fun! I love her she is seriously the best friend I've ever had!

Anyway, that's all the catching up I really want to do for the day. My life is pretty boring...well. Kinda :)


p.s. I'm getting SO EXCITED for Christmas!!! I love Christmas more than...Santa!

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