Monday, October 25, 2010


Day 8 - A song to match your mood.

I don't really know if this matches my mood...but it does match my thoughts. And the way my life is going currently. I just absolutely love this song!! Sorry I couldn't really find a clip from the show. So this isn't an actual video but it is the song! Love it.

And while I'm at it, I'm just gonna do day 9 too because this thing is taking me FOREVER!
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.

I'm not gonna lie to ya...

and it was goooooood :)

K now time for the talking. I'm going to DC in 17 DAYS!! I'm so so so excited! It's a much needed vacation. I don't care that I'm spending lots of money that I really don't have. Because 1. I have NEVER, not in the year and a half that I have worked at Upper Valley, taken even one day off of I think it's about time I took some time off and 2. I haven't been on a big vacation in 2 1/2 years. I'm not in school, I'm not financially responsible for anyone else except for myself at this point, I'm young, I've never really been anywhere exciting without parents or parent figures...I just think it's about time I did something like this! I can't wait!

Also, I just got into the SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM!! I am so so so stoked! I put in my application like 2 months ago, knowing full well that the deadline wasn't until October 8th. I just wanted to have it out of the way and done. But that wait was one of the longest waits I've ever experienced in my entire life! Oh my goodness gracious! It was worth it, though, because I got in! And so did my friend Amber that has been one of my friends since my second semester of college! We will get to be in pretty much every single class together for the rest of our college career. So pretty awesome stuff huh?

I went to Mesa Falls this weekend on a double date with my friend Danny and his roommate Matt and his girlfriend Tianna. Great crowd. I had a lot of fun minus the fact it was way cold!

ANNNNND Halloween is this weekend!! That should be really fun. And then Thanksgiving and then Christmas! I love the seasons. Just a great feeling in the air. Love it!

K I'm done.

I've also

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