Friday, December 10, 2010

Have I mentioned...?

I just watched the latest episode of Glee and it was soooooo good! But I'm getting really sick of Finn and Rachel drama. I feel like it never ends. Have I ever mentioned that I am in love with Finn? Like seriously in love with him I think he is the most adorable thing to have ever walked this planet. I want to marry someone like him. That'd be cool. Also I think that Britney is so freaking funny! I wonder if she is like that in real life.

Tomorrow (today I guess haha) I am going to have a cooking lesson at my sister's house. We're going to make cheesecake from scratch. Have I ever mentioned that my sister is freaking amazing? She knows how to do everything I swear. She has been giving me cooking lessons since...oh man I don't remember when we started but we've been doing it for a while now. And I'm so excited to move back to school to finally get to use my new skillz on people!

I'm living at Kensington Manor next semester and I reallllly hope we have a good ward. I need to meet new boys not even necessarily to date just to be friends with. Actually scratch that I just want to make more friends period boys or girls. Because have I ever mentioned almost ALL of my friends are leaving me after next semester? Oh it's sad news I'm serious. So far the wards have been getting better and better every semester since I've been there...maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm getting more and more willing to make friends and get involved? Hmmm. Speaking of getting involved, have I mentioned that I am applying for some service groups/programs/event thingys for next semester? I'm super excited. I want to get myself really super busy this semester because I've realized that 1. I actually enjoy being busy and 2. I get more stuff done when I'm odd as that is. And it looks like I'll be succeeding in that effort since I am taking 17 credits, working part-time (maybe not at all...we'll see), keeping up my social life, making a personal goal to lose another 10-15 pounds, doing this service thingy, and possibly running for some leadership position in the social work program. Have I mentioned that I'm SO EXCITED TO GET BACK TO REXBURG?! I've been craving homework. I am just so bored all the time it will be so nice to actually have things to do!

Have I mentioned that one of my best guy friends ever, Dan, and his roommates are throwing a dance party tomorrow night/tonight/Friday night? It's going to be awesome! You should all come! Married, single, young or old...just do it. They asked me to help with the playlist which actually in boy terms means "Hey Joy will you do the playlist?" Of course I said yes but it's kind of been stressing me out. Music is like...the most important part of a dance party. And if it sucks then everyone will leave and I will feel terrible. So anyway I've been working on this playlist for over a week now and yesterday Dan called me to tell me that they got a DJ. I was soooorta (or really) mad because I had put a lot of time and money into it just so they could hire a DJ? But then he explained to me that the DJ actually plans to use my playlist. So then I calmed down a little. But I'll admit the music is going to be pretty good. It's also my work Christmas party tomorrow. Karaoke? Hmm. We'll see about that. Haha. Have I mentioned I LOVE karaoke?! I love it. Just not at work Christmas parties where I barely know anyone. Oh well. I like to watch too :)

Alright I'm getting sleepy. This was a lame post but I felt like writing one. Deal with it.

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