Friday, December 17, 2010

Rexbuuuurg! I'm excited for you!

Alright so here's the truth. I'm bored out of my mind. As much as I love my parents, I would really rather not hang out with them on a Friday night. Their idea of fun is noooot the same as mine. I have absolutely nothing to do tonight. I probably could find something to do if I were willing to drive to Rexburg, but seeing as I drive to Rexburg EVERY DAY for work I would really rather not. So here I am. Blogging. On a Friday night. WOOT!

Man alive, I am so ready to be back in Rexburg. I couldn't help but laugh a little as everyone posted things on facebook about being so ready to be done with school and so ready to go home when I would give anything right now to be them and be in school stressing about finals. Granted, I've been in that position and I do understand that when you are actually in school and taking finals and everything you are SO READY to be done. But currently, I am so bored out of my mind that finals sound exciting!

Let me explain to you how ready I am to get back to Rexburg.

1. I've already started packing. I started packing last weekend in fact. More than three weeks before I am going to move. I understand I'm ridiculous but that's how ready I am!! I'm turning into Jenny Fullmer.

2. I've already made my grocery list for when I get back to Rexburg. I love grocery shopping! I don't love it when I live at home because why would I spend money when I have parents that do that for me? I'm such a mooch haha. But they are willing so why would I object?? Anyway, I'm excited to buy the food that I want. I'm sick of salmon (lucky for Brandie who HATES the smell of fish...although I'm NOT sick of Talapia! Which doesn't smell AS bad.)

3. Today I found a bunch of really yummy-looking healthy recipes online and it made me really excited to start cooking for myself again. I would cook more at home except by the time I get home from work my parents are done eating. They don't want to wait for me to get home to cook. I do cook on Sundays and I usually help out with Friday and Saturday breakfast/dinner. But that's beside the point. I am excited to be in charge of myself again. It's weird when you learn to depend on yourself by living on your own and then get thrown back into depending on other people. I don't like it. 

4. I've already designed my entire bedroom/living room and I don't even know what it looks like in person! I have made the CUTEST little crafts to hang in my living room. First, I made a little sign? I guess you could call it that is red with black letters saying, "Well-behaved women rarely make history." It's SO cute! Maybe I will take a picture of it and post it. Yes, I will. Once it's actually up and displayed. I am going to hang it by another little piece of wall decor that my BFF Hayley got me for my birthday. Which is a drawing of this really cute high-heeled shoe and it says, "Strut". It's hard to explain but it's SO CUTE. And! Haha. She knows me too well :) anyway, I thought those things would go well together. Then the other craft I made is this awesome thing I found at Porters. It's a little thing I'm going to use to hold mail and my keys and other little notes. I'll post a picture of that too because it is really hard to explain as well. It's probably the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. I have discovered that I really love crafts! And I really love paisley designs. Black and white to be specific. It might even be beating zebra at this point. Just like red is almost beating pink...what is happening to me?!?!

Anyway I'm bored with this list. Annnnd I'm going to meet Courtney and Danny at the Cocoa Bean. So yeah. That's all! See ya!


Hilary said...

Whoever thought red was the new pink must have been seriously disturbed (Legally Blonde) haha j/ ya!

Hayley said...

WHO ARE YOU?! Red over Pink??? Jk jk they are both great colors. I am excited to come see your apartment!!:)

Chelsea Finn said...

I hope I feel this confident when I leave home in August! Im a senior now and I'll be leaving for college next year and Im super nervous I won't like being by myself. But at the same time I get so tired and annoyed of being around here. Heck, I even started designing what I want in my dorm or apartment!
and I lvoe paisley prints too! :)I love the black and white, but I also love the silverish/blue and with the tinted white also.

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

<3Chelsea Elizabeth